Energy Jewelry

Most Energy Jewelry products are made using magnetite, a naturally occurring magnetic stone. Magnets have been used for centuries, first because of its peculiar properties, then for its supposed healing energies. No claims are made as to the healing powers of these products, but please read the testimonials to see what product users are saying. Each piece is hand with infinite love and gratitude by Margie and she ensures the correct placement of each stone, resulting in a powerful yet beautiful presentation of jewelry you would be proud to wear. Products can be worn by men, women, children and pets - but if you have any doubts, please feel free to call Margie and ask any questions you might have. Semi precious stones and crystals can be added to your item with a minimal increase in cost. You might wish to call to add obsidian, quartz, jade, aventurine, tiger eye, or some other stone or crystal. Especially popular have been the chakra necklaces and bracelets. All Energy Jewelry is imbued with the Power of Infinite Love and Gratitude, Reiki Energy, and Unconditional Love. Intentions are set for the gemstones or crystals so that all healing is done for the highest good of all concerned. Once you experience wearing these works of art, you will know the benefits of the power of magnetite, crystals, and gemstones.
We understand that sometimes you need a special order, either size, stone, or gem styles. If you wish, you can include instructions for your special orders via email and the charge will be only an additional $5.00. An extra BuyNow button is provided for that eventuality. If you wish, you may call Margie at 850-291-0848 to clarify any special requests.